Responsible MD investment portfolios

A program designed
exclusively for QAPE members!

In partnership with the Quebec Association of Physicians for the Environment,Vigilis proposes responsible, innovative and exclusive solutions that precisely meet your wealth management needs.

So that your actions align with your values

Health is at the forefront of your concerns. As such, our Responsible MD portfolios are designed specifically to allow you to consolidate your commitments and your investments. Simply select the one that corresponds most closely to your values and investor profile within our line of ESG and IMPACT portfolios, all fossil fuel free.

ESG portfolios


  • Climate change
  • Water
  • Waste management
  • Pollution
  • Habitat preservation


  • Human rights
  • Community impact
  • Health and safety


  • Women in management
  • Transparency / disclosure
  • Board independence and diversity
  • Business ethics
  • Privacy protection

IMPACT portfolios

Investments that have a measurable and measured environmental or social impact and must generate positive returns on invested sums.

All with exclusions

Portfolios which exclude all investments in fossil fuels, tobacco, nuclear, arms, pornography and gambling.

Our “certified Responsible Investment Specialist*” advisors can guide you with your wealth management. Whether for retirement planning or comprehensive personal financial planning, take advantage of a dedicated team of professionals.

Contribute to your future.
Invest Responsible MD!

For further information, please contact one of our advisors!

*Certified by RIA (Responsible Investment Association)

Our team of advisors are licensed mutual fund dealer representatives registered with MICA Capital inc. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Please read prospectus before investing.